Would you like to advance your anatomical knowledge while earning your annual continuing professional education points? Have you found that after a few years of clinical experience that you have developed many questions about human anatomy? If you are a Bodyworker there are now workshops specializing in Anatomy available to you! A great deal of thought has gone into the development of this educational and exploratory experience.The many regions of the body are explored and spoken about during a visit to the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Queensland. The demonstators at the Gross Anatomy Facility guide you through the body systems in a very professional manner, with the upmost respect for the cadavers that have been donated to the facility. Questions are welcome and notes are provided. It is required that you show proof of a Professional Association membership to the following Assocations:
Bowen Association of Australia (BAA)
Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA)
A copy of the recognised qualification you either currently hold or are completing at present. This qualification must include an Anatomy unit in the training package.
Please visit the workshops dropdown menu and download your association registration form also read the refund policy and submit request for approval